Multi-State NE
Portland, Ride 52309 - Haverhill, MA to Portland, ME - 178.18 Miles
Ride 121010 - Rocherester, NH to Bethel, ME Loop 214.89 Miles
US Route 7 - Highgate Springs, VT to Danbury, CT 284 Miles
State Route 14 - White River Jct., VT to Newport Ct. - 111 Miles
Interstate Route 91 - Derby Line, VT to Greenfield, MA - 188 Miles
US Route 20 - New Lebanon Center, N.Y. to Waltham, MA - 147 Miles
State Route 2 - Troy, NY to Cambridge, MA - 162 Miles
State Route 43 - South Williamstown, MA to Stephentown, NY- 13 Miles
State Route 41 - Shaker Village, MA to Salisbury, CT - 37 Miles
State Route 8 - Searsburg, VT to Winsted, CT - 86 Miles
State Route 108 - Haverhill, MA to Arundel, ME - 150 Miles est.
Ride 091011 - Chelmsford MA, to Newport, VT 275.00 Miles
Ride 091111 - Haverhill, MA to Newport, VT 214.00 Miles
State Route 32 - Ware, NH to Strafford Springs, CT - 25 Miles
Ride 102209 - Chelmsford, MA to Woodsocket, RI - 122.77 Miles
US Route 44 - Smithfield, RI to Hartford, CT - 112 Miles
Ride 052811 - Norwick, RI to Chicopee, MA - 177.37 miles
State Route 320 - Rye Brook, NY to Orange (Merritt Parkway) - 44 miles
Ride 082210 - Enfield, CT to Webster, MA 42.66 Miles
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