The Best New England Motorcycle Rides, Roads & Routes
Welcome to Cruising New England, the absolute best resource for the greatest motorcycle cruising roads in the New England area since 2003. CruisingNewEngland.com is updated and revised constantly to provide the utmost accurate information for not only the seasoned riders but for the new riders as well. Currently there are more than 275 rides covering over 10,000 miles across the six New England States. Expansion into Canada and other areas of travel are coming in the near future.
CruisingNewEngland.com, set out on a mission to pass on a pleasurable personal riding experience for motorcycle enthusiasts in New England. We have detailed a comprehensive list of rides, short and long ones, contributed by motorcycle riders and my own personal riding experience over the past 35 years. The excursions have something for everyone including some twisties or sweeping curves, gradual or steep inclines and fast cruising straightaways and highway riding is kept to a minimum. Included for each ride is a map, road conditions, places of interest, scenic sites, biker friendly eating establishments, photos, riders comments and current weather. If you have a favorite ride, photos, video or just your own personal comments you would like to share with other riders, Submit your ride to us.
Disclaimer - This web site is a listing of roads from various resources. The information is provided as a service to motorcyclists and other drivers. Considerable effort was made to verify the information provided, the color coding used to classify roads is very subjective, however, the accuracy of information cannot be guaranteed. Those relying on the information provided on this web site do so at their own risk. CruisingNewEngland.com or other parties referenced, shall not be liable for either the accuracy or misuse of the information nor any actions taken in reliance theron.
Copyright - 2014 Cruising New England All rights reserved.
Motorcycle Routes Throught New England